Saturday, February 24, 2007

Guest Blogger: 7 Principles for Anna Nicole Smith
The death of Anna Nicole Smith has illustrated the tragic conflict that can arise when families allow bitterness to take root in their relationships. I believe the Seven Biblical Principles could have been used in Anna's life to make wise choices and avoid failure.

The Basic Life Principles

1. Design
Anna Nicole should have understood the specific purposes for which God had created her. Sadly, she never learned true self-acceptance, choosing to radically modify her God-given body. Thanking God for her design would have helped Anna Nicole to avoid defrauding millions of men.

2. Authority
Anna Nicole rejected the responsibility God had given to her authorities, particularly her mother, Virgie. Because of this, Anna was unable to learn how God provides direction and protection through authority.

3. Responsibility
Anna Nicole is responsible to God for every thought, word, action and motive. Her lack of a clear conscience forced her to seek man's approval through morally defrauding actions.

4. Suffering
Anna Nicole could have identified the blind spots in her life by learning from the hurts of others. The artificial pleasures she enjoyed on this earth were no replacement for Genuine Joy.

5. Ownership
Rather than fighting for years in court to seize her husband's inheritance, Anna Nicole should have realized that everything she owns has been entrusted to her by God, and should have wisely used it for His purposes.

6. Freedom
Because of the ground surrendered to Satan after years of immorality, Anna Nicole no longer possessed the desire and power to do what is right. Rather, she claimed the privilege to do what she wanted.

7. Success
Many people said that all Anna Nicole wanted was to be loved. Anna Nicole struggled with a lack of Life Purpose because she never engrafted Scripture into her heart and mind. Scripture enables us to think God's thoughts and make wise decisions.

Until next time,

Dr. Bill Gothard


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not cool. You went too far--I mean, she's gone...even in humor, let's not poke fun at her life, or then we are no different from those we left in ATI. I usually love the postings here, but this one -- even for Bill-- was a bad choice.

1:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to say, I agree with Mr. Gothard on a lot of these points. Anna Nicole's life was wrecked by sin and rejection of God -- mostly by the millions of men who made her lifestyle so lucrative. IBLP veers off into legalism, but at least it attempted to instill in men the need for Godliness and purity. Anna Nicole may not have been happy under ATI, but she probably wouldn't be dead.

1:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, do you even know what IBLP instills in men? I don't think so. Critical/ judgmental attitudes, and unfulfilled desires, are about all they succeed in "instilling"; thus, there are lots of sick things going on. So, don't be so quick to judge the life of Anna Nicole, because I bet, if Jesus was walking the earth today, He'd be reaching out to the the ones like Anna Nicole, and others (who call themselves Christians) would be missing out.

10:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with comment #1. It's not good to find humor in the suffering of others. Her family and those that did love her are hurting right now-- we should take a higher road and not analyze her life thru a humorously legalistic microscope. Besides, who's to say we're not just as sinful and impure?

11:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I might be a little naive, but I've been reading this column for quite a while now. Is this for real? Or should I be taking this as parody?

9:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anna Nicole had free will, just like the rest of us. God loved her more than his own life, but she didn't want it. It's kinda that simple. There's not set of rules that could have changed the outcome - rules can never do's only in her accepting truer love. She didn't. it's a sad story. I feel terribly for her daughter.

10:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This has to be a joke. I highly doubt Bill Gothard knows who Anna Nicole Smith is, other than perhaps by a few magazines he may have confiscated over the years. Do you really think Bill watches TV--how could he keep his mind pure even looking at her, you know?

12:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, Bill would not have a clue who Anna Nicole is. Didn't he learn the news from worthy articles his sister clipped out for him from U.S. News & World Report?

7:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is with Mr. Gothard pointing out where she failed in life, and how she could've been saved, had she turned to Jesus? He's only saying that she could have used the Basic Life Principles in her life as a tool, but by no means on God's green earth, does that mean he's "forcing ATI" down her throat. Come on! THose are basic principles ANYONE should follow. If you have problems with them, then what right have you calling yourself a Christian? Just because ATI uses it, doesn't mean it's bad. Just what do all you people have against ATI anyway? Hey, there's things I don't agree with, but I am a Christian, and in no way am I going to bash ATI the way you all are. You're rediculas, and I'm going to keep bashing down every mean thing you say to Mr. Gothard and ATI....

9:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And I messed up the first part of my comments. I meant "What's with you guys and bashing Mr. Gothard and saying he's poking fun at how this girl could've been saved" just in case some of ya'll think I agree with you in your judgmental ways of good people...

9:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One can just imagine what Bill would say about Angelina Jolie; maybe Bill should start writing obits for the New York Times.

6:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This may sound "judgemental"(LOL), but honestly, I could care less what Gothard says about Anna Nicole Smith. If he were really consistent, he wouldn't even have heard her name before. And honestly, she was a slut, and unless he's saying she went to heaven anyway, I don't care what he said. Who does care anyway?

3:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And really, why target Anna Nicole in particular? Why not the plenty of women in general living that life style? And as a response to one of the other posts that tried tosay that hey, you know she'd of been better off in ATI. That was a really ridiculus thing to say in my I even have to say why?

3:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Gothard,

In many ways, you are again legalizing scriptures with your comments. I will address them one at a time:

"The Basic Life Principles

1. Design
Anna Nicole should have understood the specific purposes for which God had created her. Sadly, she never learned true self-acceptance, choosing to radically modify her God-given body. Thanking God for her design would have helped Anna Nicole to avoid defrauding millions of men."

I have to wonder if the seven basic principles, an interpretation based on your own fallibility, permits a person to modify his or her body at all. Consider, for example, a person with a severe facial deformity such as a severely crooked nose. May that person obtain some surgery so that he or she is more aesthetically approachable? Surely most of us can agree that Anna's *cough* enhancements were probably an expression of her spiritual emptiness, but that does not necessarily extend to all people who would have modifications. Ultimately, as with all decisions, what matters is the condition of the heart.

"2. Authority
Anna Nicole rejected the responsibility God had given to her authorities, particularly her mother, Virgie. Because of this, Anna was unable to learn how God provides direction and protection through authority."

I have to wonder what exactly you're driving at with this authority obsession. For example, are you ignoring the fact that some parents are simply abusive or even just incompetent? Suppose my non-technical parents were suddenly compelled to vicariously direct my economics doctoral dissertation. Shall I obey their commands and completely f up my research?

"3. Responsibility
Anna Nicole is responsible to God for every thought, word, action and motive. Her lack of a clear conscience forced her to seek man's approval through morally defrauding actions."

What leads you to believe that a lack of clear conscience will always lead to the desire for man's approval. Sometimes, for instance, a person is motivated to continue reinforcing a pathology just for the pleasure derived from it. Furthermore, although it is true that we are responsible to God for our thoughts, actions, and deeds, your prose is tantamount to legalizing scriptures. Did anyone happen to know that "fire" in Jesus' time was a figure of speech for spiritual judgment? Thus a "lake of fire" is a reference to widespread spiritual judgment -- not literal flames. People in hell are there because they want to be. Gothard, you are legalizing scriptures and harvesting loyalty based on nervous disorder. Get your heart right.

"4. Suffering
Anna Nicole could have identified the blind spots in her life by learning from the hurts of others. The artificial pleasures she enjoyed on this earth were no replacement for Genuine Joy."

What are "blind spots"? Genuine joy is not a function of only self-denial Mr. Gothard. The bible even commands us to eat, drink and be merry. Paul says that if you actions are without love, they're as empty as a clashing cymbol. You cannot be concerned about the hurts of others unless you have a personal relationship with God. Your program reverses this order such that a person adheres to a legalization of scriptures in order to reach God.

"5. Ownership
Rather than fighting for years in court to seize her husband's inheritance, Anna Nicole should have realized that everything she owns has been entrusted to her by God, and should have wisely used it for His purposes."

Hmm, so we have the moral obligation to abstain from upholding our right to ownership? I am not aware of Anna's shady inheritance affairs, but you appear to be generalizing to all those who would litigate even under ethical circumstances.

"6. Freedom
Because of the ground surrendered to Satan after years of immorality, Anna Nicole no longer possessed the desire and power to do what is right. Rather, she claimed the privilege to do what she wanted."

I don't like this kind of euphemistic, patented language. Nobody ever completely loses the power to do what is right. The point is that a person who sins big will not be devoting much focus on his little sins. A person is always confronted with and aware of his heart's emptiness but buries it in pleasure and distractions.

"7. Success
Many people said that all Anna Nicole wanted was to be loved. Anna Nicole struggled with a lack of Life Purpose because she never engrafted Scripture into her heart and mind. Scripture enables us to think God's thoughts and make wise decisions."

...and only physical evidence enables us to interpret those scriptures accurately. If the bible says, "John the baptist walked from point A to B", how are we supposed to interpret what the meaning of "walked" is unless we first gathered evidence from our babyhood? I'm forced to produce such a fundamental example because if I do not the simple truth will get buried under a pile of inaccurate rhetoric about the infallibility and inerrancy of scriptures. Gothard you're drifting off into scripture legalization again. God looked at Anna's heart. If she was genuine she would have then considered scriptures. Proper biblical interpretation is an ongoing process of negotiation between physical evidence and historical record with spiritual discernment. Often, you can have proper spiritual discernment with totally inaccurate historical and physical knowledge. Also, you can have accurate historical and physical knowledge, but lack spiritual discernment.

1:58 PM  
Blogger wherethetruthlies said...

Ok, here’s the issue with this blog and the responders. The majority of the people in here hold contempt, anger, and strong feeling against Mr. Gothard. As such, we tend to resent whatever thoughts he may share, whether he is right or wrong. While I am far from a supporter of his; and have my own feelings and proclivities in regards to him and his methods. I have to agree that many of these traits/steps (whatever they are) would help. So read over them, see what he is trying to say, and you will see that it applies to both Christians and non-Christians. Truth is, I can go to Borders Book and Music, or a local library and find self-help references that address each of these issues. They are BASIC life principles, so keep an open mind. Yes, he’s right, they do work. In the end, taking God out of it, or prayer etc, (since she was not a Christian) I would boil it down to greed. Greed consumed her and it spread to the rest of her body, mind and life. You don’t have to be a great Christian, man, woman, or being to know that. I do think it is strange Mr. Gothard would actually take his time to address such an issue, when there are far more important and weighted issues going on in our world. But hey, it’s a free country and he can do as he wishes. I have to wonder if he is aware of how MANY ATIA girls at headquarters were getting “cosmetic” work done while I was there; from hair loss, to reductions, to enhancements. Yes, it is true. However, they were not on TV and kept it hidden well behind those bulky dresses. A few you can now find modeling and on the internet, what happened? That is the question indeed.

Inmate1234, ATIA headquarters 1997

6:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WHO are we to Judge, Bill Gothard??? It is precisely those "observations" which put me off from becoming any further apart of your "group". It made me sick

8:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Bill actually believes in "1. Design" Why does he use shoe polish to dye his hair? No really, He doesn't use shoe polish, but if you go into his bathroom, he has about 4 hair products, which is fine, but it includes hair-dye.
Is hair-dye ok? Yes, I think so.
But Bill, don't speak in hypocrisy.
Before Bill points out Anna's mistakes, He should look at his own.

11:25 AM  

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