Monday, July 04, 2005

Pray for ATI
Let us all cry out for the ATI students who have fallen prey to the Stronghold of Education. Does no one listen to Inge Cannon anymore? We all know that college degrees are worthless.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You've gotta admit that with a girl-guy ratio of 2 to 1, it's gonna peak interest in just a FEW young people's minds!

6:03 AM  
Blogger Gone are the Days said...

After having worked for Verity a few years ago doing some computer work for them.. It isn't too impressive in my mind. Besides.. They don't offer respected degrees in Biochemistry. That requires a university with professors with a good ratio of decent journal articles being published.

6:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Having come pretty much full circle (dedicated apprenticeship student to ousted HQ staffer, to tech career person), I can say OKCTC was actually where God found me, in some ways despite my conservative upbringing. Having watched a number of the ineptitudes of America's college system, I agree that a fresh approach is legitimate. However, I also deeply respect the diffence between doing something "for God's smile", and doing it because I know He's already smiling on me. One is the path to endless effort, the other a walk of unbelieveable joy and rest.

7:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's with the flashing "peace signs" on that page? Guess the webmaster doesn't know what that means.

8:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Doing it because I know He's already smiling on me." I loved that post.

8:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love this:

"However, I also deeply respect the diffence between doing something "for God's smile", and doing it because I know He's already smiling on me. One is the path to endless effort, the other a walk of unbelieveable joy and rest."

Yes, how truly awesome it is to live under the smile of God as opposed to the frown of Mr G. :-)

10:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This, I feel, is one of the biggest problems with the Ultra-Conservative High Standards living crowd: They feel that they have to do these things to earn God's blessing or "smile" on their lives. Very well said, "MK."

I really like this quote from St. Augustine: "In essentials, unity; In non-essentials, Liberty; In all things, Charity."

Let's not make non-essentials like standards the points of unity or we lose the focus and true unity that the real essentials provide us as followers of Christ.

7:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I too struggle with charity toward people like Inge Cannon, Doug Phillips, Bill Gothard, etc. when I see the human cost of their teachings.

I suppose we cannot blame them completely when people seeking easy answers choose to follow so blindly.

3:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bachelor's degree in 2 years, eh?
What happened to "Advanced" part of the training? You know they can't be doing all the work and writing all the papers like most college students.
Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think "passing" a CLEP test is nearly as difficult as earning a good grade in a college class.
It takes true character to earn good grades in college -or excellent cheating ;-)- employers know this very well. Those that take the easy route? The results remain to be seen.

7:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

O you sceptical souls. Verity, Verity I say unto you, is a great school, with at least one really hot blonde girl who likes to play with little Chinese girls. It's okay though, we all roll a little different, right?

Hey! Don't dis the CLEP. Maybe you don't know me and the C-L-E-P. I took some CLEP exams too. Just because they were really easy and didn't take two years doesn't mean I'm not as smart as other people. It probably does mean that I didn't receive as good of an education though...

11:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's a rap that I started writing while in ATI. It's too the tune of Warren G's biggest hit:

Are you down with the Billy G
He helped me and my family
I been to ATI
I spent a whole year at the ITC
I get down....

11:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

imagine these poor little Chinese kids who's Enlish is now limited to the following phrases:

"The seven basic plinciples"

"My flavolit colors are navy and white" etc...

Imagine the Verity students horror, while teaching about a radiant countenance and the 3 types of smiles, when a little Chinese kid asked, "Is Budda in Mr. Gothards program? He smiles alot."

11:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Most real universities limit the CLEP credit to three exams (courses), and it's almost always for freshmen level courses. BTW, the Verity program for mathematics is a ****ing joke...Oh no, Scotty just died; somebody tell Bill.

4:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think what is missing from our analysis of Verity is the fact that their education is NOT limited to just taking test after test. They also do cleaning and labor for the training center. Now that's a degree worth working for!

10:51 AM  

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