Monday, March 12, 2007

Coming Soon to a TV near you (if you have a TV near you)...

XATI-TV. This new TV station attempts to bring quality family-friendly programming to an audience that is greatly unreached by the medium of television: ATI families. Programming consists of new fare (none of the old movies you have seen many times over) that current and former participants in the ATI program will be able to readily identify with.

The new lineup on XATI-TV includes the following shows which are guaranteed to be a wonderful blessing to you and your family.

Family Fella
Homeschool Dad
Steps to Freedom from "American Idols"
The O(K)C
Everybody Loves Gothard
Seven Non-Optional Principles Before Courting My Teenage Daughter
Miss Modesty Pageant
The Sopranos: It Will Be Worth It All
South Campus
Survivor: Eagle Mountain
Rules Prior To Engagement
World Series of Character Clues
The Unit: 37 (ALERT Edition)
Training Center Musical
Oak Brook, 60522
Judging Others
Pilot Families: The Next Generation
Character Hotel
Sabrina, The Teenage Staff Girl
Walker, Texas Drill Instructor
Married...With (Many) Children
theTV Unplugged
Eight Is Not Enough

Our late-night fare may not be suitable for impressionable children, but provides an alternative to traditional late-night TV.

Prayer Closet Break
Desperate Midwives
CSI: Indy TC
How I Courted Your Mother
Northwoods Exposure (Warning: contains brief scenes involving pants)

-Submitted by JN




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