Monday, January 24, 2005
How I Conquered My Bondage to Music
During my teenage years, I listened to a type of music that created in me a spirit of pride and judgement. God delivered me and now I live in freedom, but I still suffer the consequences of those years spent in bondage.
It started so innocently. I didn't grow up listening to "that kind" of music. My family didn't like it, and we never had it in the house. When I became a teenager, however, I made some new friends. They all listened to this music, and encouraged me to. Even respected leaders in my life told me I should get into this music, that it would be good for me.
Having a desire to please man, I began to listen to it. The more I listened, the more I liked it. I bought the CDs and listened even while falling asleep at night. At the same time, I looked down on those who didn't listen to my music. I thought I was smarter, even "cooler" because I knew so much more about it than they did. I did not realize I was a slave to the music and the sin it produced in my life.
At last God brought conviction to my heart, and I put away all those CDs for a time. I listened to other music, which encouraged and blessed me and turned my focus back to God. I repented of my pride and judgement,and tore down those strongholds in my soul.
Now I can't hear any of my "old" music without those feelings of pride returning. I struggle with the guilt left from those days. But I live in freedom again -- a freedom I remember every time I put in my new CDs and listen to Phil Collins, JoDee Messina, or Steve Green.
Glory be to God, I no longer am in bondage to Bach, Beethoven, and Hymns Triumphant.
-Submitted by Mairzy
I wouldn't exactly call Phil Collins much of an improvement, but I suppose it is a start.
i love Beethoven AND Keith Green. That's not an oxymoron, is it? heh!
Hey, Phil Collins is an integral part of my pre-ATI days. And, to confess, I still do like Beethoven (Bach gets on my nerves). What freedom, that we can actually disagree on musical tastes, instead of affirming whatever is on the approved list. :) -- Mairzy
Ha! This is hilarious! When I joined ATI, my favorite songs were Tchaikovsky's "1812 Overture" and AC/DC's "You Shook Me All Night Long." I think it's great that Xers can enjoy so many different styles and types of music. Probably few others have such varied tastes. I'm glad for the experiences I've had to introduce me to classical, hymns, etc., besides the more typical popular music.
OK, I'm not X-ATI and I'm just lurking, but since you are on the topic of music and the primary subject is IBLP, I thought I would share a very approprite song with you. Some of you may be familiar with Steve Taylor - this came out in 1983 or so:
I Want To Be a Clone
'Ramble On' by Led Zepplin. It speaks to me.
kraftwerk "we are the robots" reminds me in a pathetic way of ATI students. heheheh
Since people are suggesting music... check out VAST. www.realvast.com. Specifically his first CD.
Wow...you know you've been in ATI way too long when the only Phil Collins you can think of is Tracey Collins' dad!
glory be! there are others who dislike Hymns Triumphant?!
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